Contact / Submit


We accept submissions from musicians from all over the world in these genres:
Folk, Indie, Pop, Rock, Hip Hop (not gangsta rap, please), Electronica, Trip Hop, Dub Step, and anything that is a mixture of these. 


We accept short films, music videos, and features.  No excessive violence or sexual material, please.

You can send all physical submissions (we prefer this) to:

Working Rhythms Reviews OR The Peer Press
PO Box 3457
Idyllwild, CA  92549

Email us if you are interested in submitting materials online here:
reviews (at) workingbrilliantly (dot) com

If you are interested in PR, Production or Licensing, please visit us at Working Brilliantly for more info.

Our blog was created to share legally authorized music that has been provided to us with permission or has been made freely available on the web. We encourage you to explore the artists we review, buy their music, etc.  If you feel we have posted unauthorized material or infringed copyright please contact us directly and we will remove the material immediately.